Preparing to be Unprepared
Familiarity ossifies experience. We must recalibrate our instruments of perception.
English Public Footpaths

In England public footpaths designate a legally protected right of way across private lands.
Field of Rape

English summer. Related to turnips but a variety grown for its seed, rapeseed, which produces a high-quality vegetable oil. These turnip greens were the plant Rapunzel’s mother coveted during her pregnancy (hence Rapunzel’s name, little turnip girl)…a not unusual craving even among the non-pregnant in cold countries where the first greens of spring (such as dandelions) provided vitamins lacking in a winter diet. In the 1970s Canadians came up with
Southwest USA

2012-06-22. We drove almost deserted roads between Mancos and Las Vegas. Stopped at Four Corners to do the tourist shot: straddling the boundaries of four states at once. We were on 564 from Four Corners and then turned off on 98 to Page and then into Utah and 89 to Kanab. A very circuitous route which is now a blur in memory. At Kayenta, deep in Navajo country, we ate
Yosemite: Upper Yosemite Falls Hike
Hike. May 24, 2010. Lesson learned. The view from the top of a falls is never as spectacular as the view from the bottom.