January 2002

The Power to Use Words

I use up my daily ration of words.

2001: A Space Odyssey

Music of the spheres.

Bottom Line: Must-see Classic.

Scribe or Author

Thinking precedes writing.

Clear and Simple as the Truth

Clear and Simple as the Truth: Writing Classic Prose
Francis-Noel Thomas & Mark Turner
Princeton University Press. 1994.

This book defines one type of style, classic, and its elemental principles. The classic style is contrasted to other styles, such as, romantic, contemplative, and reflexive.


Nan: The Life of an Irish Travelling Woman.
Sharon Gmelch.
W. W. Norton. 1986


Carrington: Selected Letters & Extracts from Her Diaries.
Edited by David Garnett.

Endangered Pleasures

Endangered Pleasures: In Defense of Naps, Bacon, Martinis, Profanity, and Other Indulgences.
Barbara Holland.

The Sustaining Dream

Depression accompanies fulfillment.