![photo: frozen viola](http://www.zanthan.com/gardens/photos/320/viola2.jpg)
2007-01-18. Austin, TX. Inspired by Pam/Digging, I looked for beauty in the destruction. We were lucky not to have much destruction, though.
‘Blush Noisette’ was just about to open three buds. She was completely flattened by the ice but has sprung back to shape now that it’s melting.
![photo: frozen rosebud](http://www.zanthan.com/gardens/photos/320/rose_BlushNoisette5.jpg)
Ditto for the loquat and the magnolia. I don’t think any limbs are broken, just bent. The duranta, however, looks terrible. I should have tried to bring it in. I’m counting on it coming back from its roots but that means I lost a year of growth on it.
All my little cuttings of lavender and Jerusalem sage which I had under cover look fine. So does the vegetable garden, except for the basil, of course. It’s really too early to tell. I wonder how the tomato is doing. The cover over it is frozen solid so I haven’t had a peek yet.
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February, 2000. Viola cornuta ‘Sorbet Lemon Chiffon’
Although the bluebonnets, larkspur, and love-in-a-mist, are all green and growing, about the only flowers in bloom this week are the violas. Violas are a miniature relative of the pansy. Both are popular winter bedding plants here in the south. I prefer the more delicate viola.
Violas tolerate both cold and warm weather. Here in Austin they bloom constantly from whenever you plant them in mid-fall until late April or May; that is, whenever the temperatures rise above 94.
The viola series I find most often at Austin nurseries are from the ‘Sorbet’ series. I especially like the pale yellow ‘Sorbet Lemon Chiffon’ and the pale blue. Although these sometimes reseed, F1 hybrid will not come true from seed.
2002-03-27. Viola cornuta ‘Sorbet Yellow Frost’
Violas need dark to germinate.
- Viola cornuta (tufted pansy)
- Viola tricolor (Johnny Jump-up, heart’s ease)
- Viola x wittrockiana (pansy)
In 1998, the University of Georgia’s Horticulture Garden rated violas by series and color class.
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