2011-02-15. Ice Follies daffodils.
Carol at May Dreams Gardens invites us to tell her what’s blooming in our gardens on the 15th of each month.
Feb 15, 2011
Valentine’s Day always marks the beginning of spring in Austin for me. The shocking pink of the redbuds seems appropriate to the holiday. Although it is in the 70s today, the previous two weeks Austin has experienced what is shockingly cold weather for us; two separate fronts brought night after night of temperatures in the low 20s. Very little has survived in my garden and cold damage reveals itself daily. So there are no redbuds for Valentine’s Day, no Mexican plums, no roses, or irises. Some early greens (henbit and chickweed) have survived as always but even they seem subdued.
Practically the only flowers in my garden are three ‘Ice Follies” daffodils. They started to shoot up before the freezes, froze solid in the bud, and opened on dwarfed stems.
The only other new flower in my garden this month is the winter honeysuckle. I didn’t notice when it started to flower in the rush of activity that accompanied my having the house painted. Then the first big freeze was upon us and as I was running around with a flashlight covering plants, I saw that it had burst into bloom. I was disappointed that it was going to freeze before I even got a chance to sniff at it. The freezes didn’t seem to bother it much.
2011-02-15. Lonicera fragrantissima (winter honeysuckle).
Between GBBDs
An early oversummering bluebonnet was flowering before the freeze. It’s not the earliest I’ve ever had bluebonnets flower but it was out of season. The flower froze but the plant is fine, as are all the bluebonnet plants whether large or just sprouting. Some false dayflowers had also opened in response to much needed rainfall in January before the freezes.
Feb 15, 2011
Complete List for February
The list of all plants flowering today, February 15th 2011, at Zanthan Gardens. The most meager February list ever! Compare February 2009 or February 2008.
- henbit
- Narcissus ‘Ice Follies’
- Lonicera fragrantissima
- rosemary
Category: Garden Bloggers Bloom Day | 9 Comments »

Unidentified bearded iris.
Carol at May Dreams Gardens invites us to tell her what’s blooming in our gardens on the 15th of each month.
December 2009
The last couple of Decembers, I managed to sneak in a flowery GBBD before winter’s first hard freeze. This December the hard freeze came first to Austin and so there is very little blooming in the garden today.
New for December
Only two plants began flowering since November’s GBBD: one passalong blue bearded iris and the winter honeysuckle, Lonicera fragrantissima. That’s a long name for an insignificant flower. It’s power is in its scent. Both began blooming yesterday (12/14).

Winter honeysuckle.
I also bought a tray of yellow snapdragons. They hardly seem like real flowers since I bought them in bloom and they look more or less the same weeks later. I usually buy violas but I couldn’t find a color I liked this year.
The white marigold ‘Kilimanjaro’ bloomed just days before the freeze and then died. The paperwhite narcissus, the first of all the narcissus to bloom, are usually flowering in my garden by now. They are flowering elsewhere in Austin but not here. Mine need dividing, I think.
Hanging on
Pacific chrysanthemum caught the fancy of several garden bloggers during our field trip to the San Antonio Botanical Gardens. I picked up a plant at the Antique Rose Emporium that same trip. The flowers are a pretty gold but I’m more attracted to the foliage.

Pacific chrysanthemum.
Snow fell in Austin since November’s GBBD but it didn’t stick. The closest I have to a carpet of snow is a little clump of sweet alyssum which survived the heat of summer.

Sweet alyssum.
The roses ‘Ducher’ and ‘Red Cascade’ which were in full bloom before the freeze have survived. Some of the smallest buds froze and never opened but the larger flowers still look pretty from a distance. On closer inspection you can see they were nipped by the cold but unlike so many other flowers, they didn’t turn to much and go brown.
December 15, 2009
The list of all plants flowering today, December 15, 2009, at Zanthan Gardens.
- Ajania pacifica (2009)
- Antirrhinum majus (2009)
- Aster ericoides (2007, 2009)
- Commelinantia anomala (2009) a few flowers, most froze
- Galphimia gracilis, indoors (2009)
- iris, unidentified blue bearded (2009)
- Lobularia maritima ‘Tiny Tim’ (2007, 2009) survived the summer
- Lonicera fragrantissima (2009)
- parsnips (2009)
- rose ‘Ducher’ (2007, 2009)
- rose ‘Red Cascade’ (2009)
- rosemary (2007, 2008, 2009)
- Setcreasea (2007, 2009) green
- Tagetes lucida (2009)
Category: Garden Bloggers Bloom Day | 8 Comments »