October 12th, 2008
Hobbes is not my cat. Since he was a kitten he has frequently visited my garden and I enjoy his company. I can’t keep a cat of my own because of AJM’s asthma and allergies. Hobbes does a good job pet subbing–and I don’t have to feed him, clean his litter box, or worry about vet bills. A perfect relationship! All he demands of me is a lot of hugging and scritching.
Hobbes likes to help me transplant my wildflowers. He is also quite fond of hiding in the tall ornamental grasses and pretending to be a grown up tiger. Before sunrise, I often see him lying in wait near the pond, hoping for prey to come to the watering hole.
Typically I don’t post photos of cats. Nor do I follow memes, pass along awards, vote in blog competitions, paint my blog pink, run ads, have dancing flower gifs, or open the page with music box music. But also typically, I don’t follow the rules, not even my own. So, when The Inelegant Gardener decreed October 12, 2008 LAPCPADPOUB (Lets all post cat photos and dire poetry on our blogs) day–I decided I could finally, shamelessly, post an incredibly cute photograph of a cat.
I suspect that such a momentary lapse into cuteness will be interpreted as a sign of the endtimes.
by M Sinclair Stevens
October 12th, 2008
“…A sign of the end times”. I can hardly breathe I am laughing so hard right now. It does sound like you have a much better relationship with your “borrowed cat” than I do!
October 12th, 2008
ROFL. Oh, MSS, you are a funny girl. I wish I had a cute photo of my cat. I might post. I really might. At least your end times moment isn’t dire.~~Dee
October 12th, 2008
Very proud that you have chosen LAPCPADPOUB day as the exception that breaks the rule! It’s all tongue in cheek, so fits nicely.
Hobbes is a great cat – love the idea of him waiting by the ‘watering hole’ for the beasts to come…
October 12th, 2008
Yep, the world as we know it is about to end! Kewt kittycat MSS. Clever thinking on your part too, to just lease him instead of own him.
My post is up too but do bring a bucket. You have been warned.
October 12th, 2008
An incredibly cute cate, indeed. 🙂 And so protective of your plants!
October 12th, 2008
I’m glad you did.
October 12th, 2008
A meme even MSS can love! (I would think it was the endtimes, but the Cubs are no longer in contention for the World Series.) I like the cat’s name. It seems to fit him.
October 12th, 2008
Incredibly CUTE photo of one gorgeous borrowed cat ! .. never mind .. the fortress walls can go back up tomorrow girl ; )
That was a winky face by the way .. don’t you just hate THEM too ? hahaha
October 12th, 2008
A cute cuddly animal post at Zanthan? What has this world come to.
October 12th, 2008
End of times, indeed. But darn that’s a cute cat.
October 12th, 2008
Heehee. Hobbes matches the ornamental grass, and it almost looks like he’s brandishing it to shield us mere mortals from his cuteness.
And I admit that I prefer hosting cats rather than owning them, due to my allergies. There’s a little platform on the back fence from one of the previous owner’s projects, and nearly every sunny day one of the neighborhood cats is up there taking a nap. But I suspect that’s also one of the reasons I have so few birds hanging out in my garden.
October 12th, 2008
Little Hobbes won’t save your garden from raccoons, but he’s decorative. Posting photos of my Grand-Cats would have been the only way I could join in this one – think it’s more fun to see cats on your blog and Carol’s.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
October 13th, 2008
I can see why your resolve crumbled for this meme 🙂
And lo, it’s changed me from a lurker into commenter too 😉
I managed a couple of entries – lot’s of fun!
October 13th, 2008
I fear that the whole eruption of cute cattery signifies the end of civilisation as we know it: perhaps we should pass over management of all banks to cat obsessives.
That cat doesn’t want anbody else to have that Miscanthus, does he?
October 13th, 2008
Hi MSS, your softness for the little tiger is showing through your words about him, in spite of your protests. He is lucky to have a garden to hang in and love the way he is protecting/attacking that grass.
I’m just a sheep in wolf’s clothing. — mss
October 14th, 2008
I’m glad I read your blog – had I seen the giant fireball in the sky, I wouldn’t have known why. Hobbes seems to be a highly satisfactory kittie…inspite of being a willing participant in this world-ending kittie posting event.
October 17th, 2008
I got a HUGE chortle out of this, M, and so sorry I am too that I missed participating in the important LAPCPASPOUB celebration. But I’ve enjoyed tracking those who did. Now I just have to wait to see if the Bay of Fundy parts its waters…
October 17th, 2008
(Hilarious, and I say this as a regular poster of dire poetry and the ocassional photo of my dogs!).
October 19th, 2008
A cat, I am appalled and chagrined. You could have posted a picture of a snake instead. Oh, wait a minute, that’s my MO.
And so unlike me. Here. This is better, isn’t it?

October 25th, 2008
Yes..I was ready to pull the blinds down and search for my blessed candles…
October 31st, 2008
Great portrait of HObbes.
Bob, what snake is that? Looks really cool!
November 6th, 2008
Well, you got me laughing!
I love cats. I love how they insinuate themselves amongst unexpected people. This guy is awefully cute.
I think he might be like the studly marlboro man to my little kitty Pippa.