September 2014

Google Translate

GPlus Timestamp: Sep 29, 2014 1:19:38PM Migrated. Not Formatted. The advent of Google Translate encourages me to work at my Japanese because it piques my interest in the original text. I laugh and wonder what could possibly be going on in the original Japanese to produce results like these? 農業とは無縁だった高野さんには不可能に近い難題であったが、「むずかしい仕事に直面すると、胸がジーンと熱くなるのです」。 It was a challenge nearly impossible to Takano-san was unrelated to agriculture, “When you face a difficult job, chest I

Guardians of the Galaxy

Bottom line: Great fun for 8-year-olds of all ages and genders.

Boob Crop

My eyes are up here.


“We do not seize the moment. The moment seizes us.”